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Memulai dengan Analisis Keyword Utama yang akan Saya Bidik

First, let's briefly look at the key words targeted by the other participants in this Blogodolar DBN .

Mas Yudi , obat aborsi aman targeting the keyword " Tankless Water Heater Review" with a medium level of competition and local search as much as 5400 per month . This keyword targeted using paid software standard Long Tail Pro
Mas Agito , targeting the keyword " Baby Crib Bedding Set " with a high level of competition and local search as much as 1000 per month . The targeted keywords using the Google Adwords tool Targeting standard Explorer
Mas Wayan , targeting the keyword " Bonsai Tree Care " with as many as 3600 monthly local searches per month . This keyword targeted using paid software standard Long Tail Pro - Platinum version
Gus Adit , targeting the keyword " Phen375 Review" degan low level of competition and the exact local monthly searches as much as 5400 per month . This keyword targeted using standard software and paid software Traffic Travis Long Tail Pro
Mas Syaiful , [ after ]

How do I own ? Keyword what I shoot ?

In short , my main keyword targeting " Paper Craft " for my niche blogs . :)

At first I was confused about what keywords would I take . Because of my knowledge , the main keyword is taken very influential for a blog in the long run , so the selection of keywords should also be considered carefully. Need to do what is called an analysis of keywords in order to affect the long option .

Well , if the majority of participants use paid software to analyze keywords in terms of competitors , I myself do not . I still use two free tools that might be enough for me .

What are the tools ? This is it obat telat bulan  .

Google Trends
Google Adwords Targeting Explorer ( GAKT )
Supplement : SEOQuake of Mozilla Plugin

Back to the original topic , what is the reason I chose the keyword " Paper Craft " ? And if I want to analyze further, maybe I can find long tail keywords that really focus on one specific thing .

So here goes , first I chose the keyword " Paper craft for kids" with global and local search are very high , amounting to 33,100 searches per month .

But after reading the requirements page blogodolar , seems to me wrong. What is meant by mas Yudi there is having the exact number of searches ( exact ) above 1000. I forgot the word ' exact ' here , so I was forced to start all over again .

But that does not mean I will omit the keyword ' Paper craft for kids ' from my target . I 'll just add it into the keyword derivative . So that it can be concluded that ,

The main Keyword : Craft Paper
Keyword derivatives : Paper craft ideas , paper crafts for kids , crafts for kids , kids paper crafts , paper crafts , and papercraft

Then what is the reason I chose this keyword ?

There are 3 main things that makes the most I chose this one keyword obat aborsi .

Keyword " Paper Craft " is a long term keyword

When viewed from Google Trends statistics , this keyword from year to year is always stable .

adwords keyword analysis

From this it can be said that the keywords that I shoot memangbukan a seasonal keywords , but long-term keywords .

Keyword " Paper Crafts " has a low level of competition with exact searches monthly high enough

Let you see the results shown by GAKT when I enter the keyword there . ( not exact )

There is an exact local monthly searches as many as 2,600 more by the level of competition is low ( inexact ) into a great opportunity for me to master the SERP . And the end result , I found a lot of dollars flowing into my paypal account .

Well .. Hopefully . ;)

Keyword " Paper Crafts " is not something foreign , but instead , familiar

This part I like most . Know why ?

One thing , Because these keywords are familiar in the ears of each family . So it 's not just the kids who build their creativity , but everyone can do it . Paper craft that I mean here is not about just folding paper folding , but could also be developed into something new .

I was not an expert on this , but at least be the one ..

Jasa SEO Murah I do not want to force myself to take a niche where there I can not develop it further . For the targets in DBN this time , all the posts I will write in their own language and style , so the results that I can also completely pure from me , not the other .


All possible risks for me while still accommodating . The ' what techniques I choose to monetize this niche blog ' maybe I will discuss another time in another series DBN , Insha Allah .

Importantly , make sure you subscribe to information updates DBN kejarduit next .

I Muflich Kamil ,

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