1.Forum is a great place to find new ideas and quality to your blog . Many people go to everyday popular forum to express their thoughts , ideas and opinions. Visit the forums as a blog or website related to touch and see what interesting and they were talking about in the forum . It will give you some pretty good ideas about a topic to write .
2.Situs social bookmarking is a place where you can get an idea of unique and quality which you can post on your blog . Sites like Digg and StumbleUpon has an article on their home page that shows that they are the ones who are looking for quality and unique topics . It will give you a good idea to write a post on your blog or website .
3.Komentar blog and website is another part of a blog that can be used to mutually share and get new pulau pari ideas and unique quality . Yes , it's true . Visit the blog related to your blog topic is about and find out what people are commenting and discussion in the comments section . Often times , you will find ideas fantastic and deserves to be written .
All bloggers would want known to many people , popular , therefore we must be familiar with the many important people as well . If the little that we know or recognize us , then we are called not popular . The words turned out to be valid on the Search Engines , web / blog that has a lot of backlinks is called famous or popular .
Have many very good backlinks backlink especially in the can from the web / blog of the famous ( High PageRank ) . The higher the Page Rank of a website / blog , usually the better position in the search engines , now we learn SEO is pointless .
Many ways to find and get quality backlinks in order to get a high PR , here I will try to share and learn with a fairly simple trick , do not want to know ?
The trick with many commenting on the web / other blogs , especially blogs that we commented on it adheres to the principle of " DoFollow " , wow lucky we get " one way links " ( one-way link ) . There are some points that you should consider in finding backlinks with this comment pulau tidung .
1 . Do not use the name in the text box name when giving comments , preferably , use keywords that you are targeting . so do not use such " aalil " but rather " learn seo " or the name of your blog , because the keywords are the words that people use to search for specific information on the SE .
Well this is the so-called " anchor text " and had a very big influence in order to web / blog become the top in search engines .
2 . On the website address , enter the address of your web / blog you'd like to make the top . Better you use the wrong address 1 post ( deep linking ) your blog not just the main page / index alone .4.You can also go to related blogs for ideas for posts . Go to the blog archives and find out what had been written by the author of the blog . That does not mean that copying and pasting his ideas , but you just need to pay attention to and finding the topics that interest you and something that you feel is useful and can be used as a quality post for your blog or website .
New 5.Situs is a wonderful place to get unique ideas for your blog . Good news sites like Yahoo and Google which is where the most happening and latest news from around the world reported . You can easily find lots of things to write about , especially if your blog deals with current affairs . For example, this website can also be a place to look for inspiration nagi you a quality post on seo tips and tricks , computer information , education information , sports info and assorted other stuff ,6.Bertanya to some popular websites like Yahoo answer , Google , Wiki , and much more , then you will get an answer that can be your inspiration to write a blog post that for you