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Ciri-Ciri Toko Online Penipu


jasa pembuatan toko online murah - Kapok cheated by buying and selling online ? Do not want to be the next victim of fraud online store ? It is better you see and take a closer 10 the particular characteristics that are often performed by a herd of fraudsters online store . By knowing these 10 characteristics expected you could be smart and alert , so no need to hesitate anymore to shop online . Wong characteristics you already know the obvious . So where can you distinguish genuine online store and where to shop online scams .
10 Characteristics of Fraud Through Online Stores :
1 . Send promotions via sms .
The most widely performed tricks fraudsters herd . obat pembesar penis They were randomly send sms containing offer valuable products super cheap . Moreover, if the product is not mobile , blackberry , camera , electronics , laptops , etc. .. etc. . Their expectations , from 1000 sms sent there may be 100 people who get duped fools . The fact is that a lot of stupid people . Even fraudsters do not hesitate to include the website address is clearly fraud . Especially taking suffix : blogcepot ( read : blogspot ) or webs.com like : www.citraponcel.blogcepot.com , kameramurah.blogcepot.com , ts - cellular.blogcepot.com , etc. . Some examples you can see HERE .
2 . Sender's number is not the same as the number listed in the text .
In business ethics , send SMS obat pembesar penis  messages about products without consent includes spamming , especially if the offer fraud ? No one is going to put respect for sellers like this model , let alone cheated and transferring money . You are very foolish if to be deceived . Just ignore all the sms that does not originate from the same number . It is no bulk sms sender program that utilized ( sms gateway server ) . So if we reply to the sms is not possible and when we complained to the number listed in the text , the owner of the number can not deny that they are sending the sms . So it really is not unethical ?
3 . Bargains - discount price .
The next most striking characteristic is offering discounted items at super prices . Rp 7 million cameras sold pembesar penis Rp 5 million , blackberry can be sold for Rp 5 million to Rp 3.5 million , Rp 7 million iPad could be sold USD 5.5 million , and so on . By looking at cheap prices expected casualties would be tempted , ileran and believe . Try tanyain engkong first whether they have stock in the factory or not ? Or try the question whether Steve Jobs was their uncle instead ? If not , where there may be goods sold for that much cheaper? Easy?
4 . Using blogs , forums , facebook , free advertising .
Name people who do not have money anymore . Yes definitely used are all free . Make it free also really easy . Free email , free classified ads , free forum Kaskus , tokoagus free advertising , free blogcepot , wordperes free , etc ... You can make it . Anyway, if they were free website without its own domain 99.9 % is definitely fraud . The remaining 1 % is that yes you are smart to judge . Its got a lot of that domain only deceiving especially the free ones ? Have a shop but can not afford to buy a domain that only Rp 100,000 per year ? What is the world ? pasang iklan baris gratis How can capital goods purchased for resale ?
5 . Do not accept cash on delivery ( COD ) .
Characteristics of patent fraud online store is the lack of facilities COD ( Cash on Delivery ) . Mean COD is : pay on the obat pembesar penis  spot goods delivered the goods aka no money . Well , most anti COD herd fraudsters . Because they do not exist because the goal deceptive goods . So they will never serve COD for various reasons bla .. bla ... bla ... such as : " COD only with the purchase of over USD 15 million . " Preettt .... They think you will not be likely to buy the phone as much as Rp 15 million , so be cowed by such techniques .
6 . No store address .
Period have a shop but no address ? At a minimum they have your home jual obat pembesar penis address , address boarding house , apartment address , etc ... is not it? Granted they do not have a real store but there is definitely home address as a residence is not it? Where did they get the stuff ? Where are they stocks ? Where do they send the goods if the supplier is not to address them ? So do not believe if the impostor said , " Our sales specialists online and there is no address of the store . " Preett .... If there is no address of the store , at least they will include the address of the home , office , boarding houses , apartments , etc. , is not it? Who got fake addresses just this especially that there is no address ? Beware ... beware !
7 . Include the false testimony .
To convince potential victims , fraudsters usually write testimonials flock in their own blog or website . In fact all it is their own devising . No photographs picked from om Google . The average sound testimony as this:
" First a reasonable alat bantu sex doubt . Many cases of fraud . However after shopping and goods delivered , finally believe . Really good and cheap . " Joyo - Surabaya ( 081876XXXX )
" Squire this one deserves a star . Good stuff , delivery as promised . Steady Boss ! " Charles - Jakarta ( 0856787XXXX )
" I like the service of one 's online store . Goods according to the image , low price and fast delivery via TIKI . Enough 3 days . " Atun - Yogyakarta ( 08127654XXXX )
Hehehe ... You can add the own again . Try to improvise fabricate up a story as powerful as a herd of fraudsters .
8 . Stores are located in Batam , Riau Islands and Pontianak . alat bantu sex
If anyone sells products at super low prices outside the 3rd city , certainly fraudsters . Why ? Because of where they get it as cheap goods ? Super cheap stuff can only be entered through the cities beyond the state borders . Batam and Tanjung Pinang adjacent to Singapore , as well as Pontianak adjacent to Sabah Malaysia . Only three of the city 's most allow for some inexpensive products (black market , refurbished ) , but still not as cheap as that offered herd fraudsters .
Funny is not if there is an online store which he said 30 % discount but it is located in the town of Jambi or Jepara ? You can hear the fart story fraudster . Wakakakakaka . However , because the herd fraudsters have understood the cities that allow the entry of goods seludupan (black market ) then the average will profiteer name of the city of Batam , Riau Islands ( Tanjung Pinang ) or Pontianak . All the addresses mentioned it obat telat bulan was bulging address , proof-texted . The proof take a look at Batam Watch .
9 . Anti Joint Account ( Escrow ) .
In addition to refusing COD ( Cash on Delivery ) where the goods until we pay down the home straight in place , fraudsters are also anti- herd joint account ( escrow ) . Though if they make what sells real fear using a joint account ? After all, if correct item sent and received the buyer , the buyer will be reported to the agency a joint account so that the money can be directly transferred to the seller .
Herd fraudster wants you to directly pasang iklan online transfer their accounts . So can the money , they immediately unplug and escape . Goods were never delivered at all . How can one tell because it's deceptive intent ? So if there are anti- seller account with the 10.000 % sure fraud . Nothing to lose really use a joint account , why should be afraid ?
10 . Looks strange what is listed in their website .
Anyway, if you observe properly , there must be something strange in appearance , photos and writing the fraudulent website . Pictures can be weird , random writings kadul , always obat aborsi emphasizing the transfers and money transfers . Sometimes scare you as if that was not so purchased will regret later on , and so on . Just what are they selling only ? Hadeehh ..
Bank accounts not listed in order not picked up the police, using the same phone number for a website or blog , put a picture of the invoice or delivery such as TIKI JNE plucked from Google , which seems to make a youtube video created by a friend of their own , there are no shops or address clearly even scare you like :
" We specifically selling online . No shop ! "This time I want to write about online store how to distinguish a fraud or not . Hmm .. I do not intend to actually want to write this but forced .. hihi .. because already several times buyers lack confidence in the online store . there are a few things that make the buyer feel free to buy according to my knowledge as an online store using the product template ( kaoskatamu while still using templates ) This may be one reason  pulau tidung : P . But going forward we will use the model : v , at least use the statue mannequin for fashion online shop at least make the product look real .As the continued growth and development of world technology online , make an online business is not something strange anymore in the hearing by the common people . Even in Indonesia today has a lot of people who choose online business as a source of livelihood for them , ranging from participating in online investment , advertising , job entry , to open an online store site . Where a growing online store today has a lot of kinds that could be sold there , ranging from books , ebooks , mobile phones , computers and other electronic goods that are generally only sold offline , can now also be sold online .
Given the great interest given the internet users to shop online , online stores makes it one of the online business is promising because of the market that can be reached online store is very broad and not limited . In countries such as the United States , Japan , China and other developed countries , online shopping has become a way of life for teenagers to old people pulau tidung even love to shop online . In Indonesia alone online store is currently looking into a lot of interesting conversation diperbincangan people , online business article of this type of online store is one type of online business that has a pretty good prospect and will continue to progress .
Tatapi turns out opportunity was also used by some people who want to earn huge profits by deceiving guise of an online store , as a result of fraud victims their online store continues to fall . Rampant fraud masquerading in the name of an online store resulted in society's view of online stores are increasingly declining and assume that all business ventures online store on the internet are all fraudsters . Whereas in reality it is not so , today there are many online stores that businesses actually intend to do business in an honest and clean from the hokey - deceptive .
So our job as Internet alat bantu sex users as much as possible is to distinguish which businesses are honest and shop online where businesses online fraudsters . That would keep us from all forms of harm that could occur and may be a victim of the online fraudsters claiming to be the owner of a business website online store . As for some of the characteristics of a business 's online store that fraudsters often we come across on the internet that is as follows .
Using Freebies ServicesA business ventures online store fraudsters who we met on the internet that on average they use free services such as free domain names such as . Tk , . Blogspot , . Wordpress , and free domain names other that can be easily obtained for free . If you intend someday want to buy something from an online store , please note that they use the domain name , if it turns out the online store websites using domain names gartisan , it stands to reason that business online store is indicated as a business venture owned stores online fraudsters who want to cheat the members . Because usually a business venture online store that really want to do business certainly will alat bantu sex  not be a pity to spend money as seed capital to establish business ventures online store you want fro , and even an online store that wanted to do business really want to spend money large enough to hire developers to build sites that will be used as the site of his business ventures online store .
Using False Address and Contact NumbersAn impostor certainly would not dare give his real identity , and therefore usually the fraudster will provide the address and contact number so that the false can not be easily traced its existence . If you find anomalies like this, please just leave it alone online store , because we dare to make sure if you 'll make a deal with them , stuff that you would not expect your hands due to the fraudster had never sending you the address . And when asked , all sorts of reasons will be given by the fraudster or even lost contact with you .
Giving Away A Cheaper Price From Market PriceWhen you find a business like this online store , please do not be tempted by the cheap price they offer , because basically the price that they sell online and offline are the same , if there are differences in price , but not obat telat bulan  more than 10 % -50 % of the market price . If they give a reason why they are selling goods can be cheaper than the existing market price because there is no fee taxes and so forth , it's just crap and they just subterfuge to trick their potential victims of fraud . We hope you will be careful with online businesses like this store .
Perhaps this is all the information we can provide a knowledge of the characteristics of business ventures online store fraudsters so that after reading this article can prevent you from all forms of deception masquerading as a business website online store on the internet . Advice from us , if you want to buy something from an online store business sites , and it is your first purchase on the site , try to go the address they provided on the site is an online store business to ascertain whether the products they offer truly our site there or not . If it turns out the address is very distant from where you live , try to investigate the contact number they gave , to investigate their contact numbers can be made ​​by contacting the service used , and then try to ask if the phone number is completely in accordance with the address and the name of the correct according to which they have given in obat aborsi their online store site .
Hopefully writing about the characteristics of this online store business can be a useful and interesting reading to be read so as to give you the knowledge of how the characteristics of fraudsters online store business . Therefore, it can prevent you from all forms of harm is not fraud masquerading as a business venture online stores which could possibly happen to you later . If you want to add traits business online fraudsters other stores that have not we write on this post , please menambahkanya via the comments box that we have provided below this post so it can be read by the visitors who visit this blog .
Article source : Distinctive Business peluang usaha online Online Store Pretender - Blog Read http://www.blogbaca.com/2013/04/ciri-ciri-usaha-toko-online-penipu.html # ixzz2jJXrEAuc
I know the online store or a reliable impostorthere are also the characteristics of online stores fraudsters are as follows :
- do not use the TLD ( Top Level Domains ) like . com . co.id etc. .. ( but now buy cheap domain , we must look at other factors )- The number of fans on the fan page a little and often post feedback added products- the website does not look professional- low ranked websites can be seen in terms of alexa or google pagerank- usually the swindler campaign via sms Send probably due to lack of understanding to bring organic traffic from search engines- Goods sold very low price and very much different from those in the market with similar products- Using blogs , forums , facebook , free advertising .- Do not accept cash on delivery ( COD ) .- There is no store address- Include false testimony pulau pari Looks odd - what is listed in their website- characteristic reliable online store
- Website looks professional with a high rankusing domain - TLD- Have fanspage ( facebook ) with a lot of fans and a lot of twitter followers- have a clear business addresses ( the store )- using a paid advertising like adwords or facebook ads in product promotion- accept COD ( If one city )reasonable - price products- have a real testimony- Include your correct address and contact number to call- Want to be invited to direct transactions or face to face- It has a good reputation - you can use Google.co.id ( type the name of the online store in Google and see is there any complaints against the online store )- Provides 2 -way interaction facility - the facility chatting , SMS etc.
It is usually true of offline stores eventually create a website to support their  pulau pari offline business . This has not really tell but the special online store ? There - there wrote .
" Why cheat because we use beautiful number . Fraudsters will not use the pretty numbers . "
Beautiful number from Hong Kong ? Who says fraudsters can not use numbers beautiful? Unless the number is : 081 234 567 890 . That's just beautiful number , ya ga ? Of pity if the impostor sacrificing the number. But if the results of his deceit to Rp 1 billion , what number do not waste too tuh ?
How about now ? Are you still going to be fooled by scams online store ? If it still fooled really deh . Should bathe in the beach Ancol 7x to throw shit bisnis online !

Post By : Jasa Seo Murah dan Jasa Desain website murah

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Cara Membuat Toko Online Mudah dalam 20 Detik


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Tagged With : online stores make , create an online store , How to Make Online Store , how to make online shop website , How to Create an Online Store , how alat bantu sex  to create an online store , how to create an online web store , how to create a website online store
How to Make Online Stores For Sale website . We have had a lot of in the internet world . Along with the development of internet , online store or website online store makes it easy for buyers to conduct transactions without having to go directly to the offline stores . In addition to saving time , the price is not much different dibelipun in store directly . This time to make a store can not be made with a small capital , another case with online stores that capitalize make much smaller . This is what makes a reason to make the buying and selling sites online as an alternative for those who want to have a business . But not everyone can make an online store instead ?
If you intend to create an alat bantu sex online store for free then it can follow the steps - the steps below as tips to create an online store for free .
How to create a free online store1 . Create a blog on blogger.com , if you do not understand please read the article how to create a blog
2 . After creating a blog , look for online stores templates in google search by using the obat telat bulan  keywords ' online store template ' then download the template and replace the one the blog template , please read also how to change the blog template
3 . After that uploadlah photograph or picture of the product or even your own products to sell other people's products . While you do not have your own product then can look for companies that provide dropship company . Search in google by typing ' dropship shoes iklan massal  ' for example , then immediately contact to get an agreement with him .
Optimasikanlah your online store , if you can not read the article please offpage optimization seo online store to help you get more leverage in the search . Because a blog or a website will be popular if you get good in the eyes of search engines .
how to create a thriving online storeOf course an online store or an online trading site that must generate or have made ​​no transactions that occurred not ? , An online obat telat bulan store can not develop it without any effort or struggle to build it . These are tips that can be used to build your online store in order to progress and evolve :
1 . Types of products to be soldDetermine the products that will be sold online to analyze the market in order to get high sales . Market share is crucial areas of online , if you have your own product then can easily sell online , share pasarpun not be determined because inevitably you have to sell stuff that already exists . But if you use a dropship should determine your market share so that your online store gets a significant transaction pulau tidung  .
2 . Determine media promotionUse facebook and twitter social media as a means to promote selling online , even if you are a blackberry user can use the fuel for the promotion as well . Because the number of competitors in the online business world is very much coming from all corners of the world , the publication or promotion of online stores you can start from your friends , neighbors , co-workers , relatives nearby . peluang usaha online Even if there is no perceived significant changes , doing promotion through paid media , either through PPC advertising providers or television media .
3 . payment systemTransactions in the online shop system is also important obat aborsi because it will build a confidence to the buyer that your online store is not a scam . The payment system can be via transfers between accounts or through face-to- face between sellers and buyers . If the online store you are also ready to serve buyers from abroad then prepare well for the system of payment through paypal as payment transactions with ease . Remember that the main capital of an online store is the trust of buyers , each person who entered into the online store you must believe that the online stores that are pulau tidung visited by the seller that can be trusted truth .
4 . Prepare a contact personPrepare interfaces such as contacts through sms , online yahoo , gtalk , blackberry pin , whats up phone numbers even ready to make contact every time . It is also one of the systems that will build consumer confidence alat bantu sex .
5 . Create an online store with professionalCreating an online store should provide product information , specifications of goods , prices , how to buy and so clearly . Create an online store media that is informative , interesting and online store design that looks attractive and professional .
6 . Give best serviceIf the transaction already alat bantu sex exists , the next step to consider is to provide the best service to the purchaser, in the form of packaging services and freight shippers that are up to the buyer not to be broken , which would certainly make the buyer feel you are not a professional online store in the buyer .
7 . Testimonials from customersHaving given the best service , ask for testimonials from customers , which certainly will not hesitate to whip out a testimonial if get quality service from the online store .
If you want to improve the quality of your free online store be better, of course you obat telat bulan have to change the domain to be . Paid com or other domain , it is certainly going to increase the level of confidence and professionalism to increase . And it became one of the conditions your growing online store .
So how to create a free online store as the buying and selling sites , may be able to provide benefits to you . Greetings bloggers bisnis online

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan jasa desain website murah

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